tutte le immagini dei quadri, delle sculture ed i testi tratti dai libri dell’artista sono © di Max Loy

..."Il raggio verde è una luce visibile per brevi secondi nelle chiare serate estive, subito dopo il tramonto del sole.

In metafora è qualcos’altro di più significante, una luce interiore che va cercata lì dove ha dimora: nel silenzio.

raccolta di immagini, testi e pensieri di Max Loy ...

e di quant'altro attinente alla sua arte


..........................Informazioni personali......................... M A X . L O Y

La mia foto
Studio: via Abbi Pazienza 14 – C.A.P. 51100 Pistoia cell. 3389200157 mail - info@maxloy.com

In these paintings of mine there are two different elements: colour and shape, casualty and organization, intuition and recognition. Two different types of music combining melody and a countermelody evoking the marvel of a stereophonic listening.


Introduzione alla Sua arte

Esposizione virtuale delle opere di Max Loy.

“E’ così: ogni azione e ancor più manifestamente quelle dettate dal sentimento, affondano le radici in una regione misteriosa dalla quale ogni gesto assume un significato trascendente che è caratteristico della figura dell’uomo: egli trascende se stesso, così le sue azioni sono allegorie, immanenza e trascendenza insieme.

Questo è un mistero grande, l’unico.”

data inizio blog: 8 ottobre 2009

per gli inserti redazionali consultare





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venerdì 13 novembre 2009

Sui generis- research routes


“Sui generis” is the title I have given to this collection and it seems suitable. There are some paintings which are really strange. I don’t know what to think of them and where to put them…are they figurative? Are they abstract? Are they beautiful? Are they ugly? How can I define them?

And, as it is difficult to establish a border line among the countless nuances following which I pass from one language to another, from what is interesting to what is uninteresting, from the original to the predictable, from what is good to what is bad…I think I will postpone my opinion on them, as it is written in the sacred books, in that well known parable of the sower about God’s endless patience.

I must admit that these paintings sometimes embarrass me and I pretend not to know them as if they where illegitimate children to feel ashamed of. However, very often, I owe them the opening of new sceneries.

They witness my various different interests…and also my uncertainty which often turns into doubt and second-thoughts. I find them set with unquestionable anarchy in the planned route of my human and artistic life, like the bricks of a framework I am building. A good structure, though, square and essential, with the brickwork in full view to escape the monotony of the squared stones with some clay tiles in various size and colour, just like my days.

I find here truth and coherence and to sum up I see there is also some beauty together with the revealed meaning. That particular, imperfect and irregular beauty I can find in the life which always goes round itself, hinged on its supporting axis, into the orbit of its sun.

english version: Alessandra Gaggini

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