tutte le immagini dei quadri, delle sculture ed i testi tratti dai libri dell’artista sono © di Max Loy

..."Il raggio verde è una luce visibile per brevi secondi nelle chiare serate estive, subito dopo il tramonto del sole.

In metafora è qualcos’altro di più significante, una luce interiore che va cercata lì dove ha dimora: nel silenzio.

raccolta di immagini, testi e pensieri di Max Loy ...

e di quant'altro attinente alla sua arte


..........................Informazioni personali......................... M A X . L O Y

La mia foto
Studio: via Abbi Pazienza 14 – C.A.P. 51100 Pistoia cell. 3389200157 mail - info@maxloy.com

In these paintings of mine there are two different elements: colour and shape, casualty and organization, intuition and recognition. Two different types of music combining melody and a countermelody evoking the marvel of a stereophonic listening.


Introduzione alla Sua arte

Esposizione virtuale delle opere di Max Loy.

“E’ così: ogni azione e ancor più manifestamente quelle dettate dal sentimento, affondano le radici in una regione misteriosa dalla quale ogni gesto assume un significato trascendente che è caratteristico della figura dell’uomo: egli trascende se stesso, così le sue azioni sono allegorie, immanenza e trascendenza insieme.

Questo è un mistero grande, l’unico.”

data inizio blog: 8 ottobre 2009

per gli inserti redazionali consultare





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venerdì 13 novembre 2009

Public relations

And here is my coat of arms, my role in society, my public relations to show as a proof to the world: I know this chap and he knows me… the mutual aid bank.

Within the ten minutes given by YouTube I let the images run through. They portray me here and there, wandering through one hundred cities, hidden in the crowd shaking hands with me and asking for my autograph as if I were a star, and I change my way of being and I joke trying to figure a new image, the most suitable to the agreed role and I smile kindly and witty.

I could manage it, without any problem, overcoming my innate shyness and all the fears of being put on display: I obeyed my duties conscientiously and, just in case, I could also wear my tie and make praiseworthy speeches.

Sometimes, however, while speaking, I gazed in contemplation, losing the thread of my thoughts because an emotion, a dream, something vague caught my imagination all of a sudden.

Then, I started observing the audience, waiting for the predictable outcome of every conference and from that moment on, I began extemporizing, following a special unique inspiration, and I entered the smooth manifest wall, carrying everybody away to no man’s land.

However, as time went by, I felt more and more tired of spreading around words which could be hardly heard in this noisy world which proceeds at the wrong speed, which can’t enjoy and appreciate all the things it swallows up, because it’s always busy doing something else.

And so it happened that, one day I woke up in a bad mood and took the secret decision of fading out from the stage. To my works, by then “grown up” I left the burden of being silent witnesses to my passage: “I owe you one!”.

Therefore, it’s some time now that I gave up holding conventional exhibitions, offering aperitives.

I have also stopped giving speeches.

I have even dropped the habit of sharing my profits with art galleries.

I work in the silent peace of my studio and when the good weather comes I move to Sardinia and, for four months, I settle in paradise where I have everything I need, starting from the most important thing: the light…and the sea.

I’m a guest in a hotel, because I’m friendly, I think.

There is also another version of the story:

It was God.

I have always complained all my life about being unable to travel all over the world, losing that important experience of getting in touch with other cultures and ways of life, not to mention the other opportunities closely related to it. Therefore, in due time, God put me here, at the centre of the world, under a palm, as He knows I like palms, He gave me a paintbrush again, as I think He doesn’t expect anything else from me, or probably to put me at ease, I don’t know, after all, this kindness, He told me plainly:

- Now stay there quiet and don’t bother me, mind your own fucking business, I’ll care about all the rest.-

Then He said to the world:

- Turn around this man, as I have got a plan for him.-

I have to notice that I can’t get on with the world very well and neither the world nor me can understand the reason of this enterprise of God’s, but, you know, everyone deserves his/her own God.

As for me, if I think of my experience as a painter, I know that whenever I can’t see the centre of the picture and find the links I’m looking for, I try at first to stand three, five, ten steps back, according to the difficulty I face in coming to the true and lighted highlights. If, even after that, I can’t work it out, maybe because I’m tired, or because it isn’t easy to solve a problem, then I do a very simple thing: I put my director’s chair in the right place, just like God has done with me, then I sit down, take my time and I keep on watching what I have done without wondering, being firmly persuaded that there must be a meaning and that I’ll understand it sooner or later.

english version: Alessandra Gaggini

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